Own yourself.

Done the work? Still not seeing the results?

So you feel like you’ve done this all before? But nothing changes? The same challenges seems to come up over and over again? I’ve been there. It’s not enough to just discover who we are, we need to own it. Step into your truth and embody your power by developing creative daily rituals so that you can Own yourself! This is where the game is won or lost. What good is it knowing your power and truth if you never actualize it.


It’s the daily rituals that call in our true selves!

Life can get messy when we aren’t living consciously. Learn how we create our problems and watch your life transform! Wake up, now it’s time to step up!


Whats included…

6 x 1.5 hour fortnightly transformation sessions over 3 months to generate deep lasting change

2 x 30 min momentum calls over the duration of the 3 months when you need an extra little something

Self emerging & expanding contemplations & reflections between sessions

Unlimited text & voice messaging support for the duration of our work together

$2000.00 AUD

Done the work in personal development before but cant manage to make it stick?! Work with me one on one over 3 months and get yourself centred and aligned for good! This unique style of transformational coaching will find you having realizations and new awareness’s without even noticing. Get the new rituals and habits into place so moving forward will be a breeze!