Heal yourself.

I welcome you into this exciting space… Claim back your own power.. Listen to your body and Heal Yourself naturally!!


Utalising the ancient methodologies of Iridology and Sclerology we can ‘SEE’ what areas of your body are needing specific love and attention to provide you with a greater degree of direction and alignment.

We discuss lifestyle factors and the things that can be implimented immediately to start seeing results.

Learn the whole foods, herbs and essential oils that will support your healing.

$222.00 AUD

Heal Yourself - 1 hour health evaluation consultation


Heal Yourself - 1:1 12 week health journey

Heal Yourself - 1 hour health evaluation consultaion

12 x 45 minute weekly calls to walk you through every step of the detoxing/cleansing/fasting process.

Unlimited text & voice messaging support for the duration of our work together.

Always had a deep knowing that everything we ever needed to heal ourselves was out there in nature all along.. Lets take a holistic approach to heal our bodies from the inside out. Treat the cause, not the symptom!

$2000.00 AUD


A 4 week online program created to assist you in detoxing the body and moving towards a holistic approach to life and health. 

Week 1...

  • Your why

  • Different cleansing and fasting pathways

  • Intermittent fasting

  • What’s really in your pantry

  • The 8 pillars of health

  • Stimulants

Week 2…

  • The 8 pillars continued..

  • Recipe sharing

  • Transitioning to raw food

  • Colon cleansing and enima’s

Week 3…

  • 7 day cleanse/fast of your choice

  • Emotional and mental connections to our body

  • Emotional eating

Week 4…

  • Breaking a fast properly

  • Lifestyle choices

  • Setting intentions

  • Along with so much more!!

Summer is a time to accumulate all the growth and expansion we experienced in Spring. It ties to the heart and small intestines, so this season we will be placing specific attention on the heart and the emotions held there!

$333.00 AUD


Cleanse Yourself