Discover yourself. Own yourself. Heal yourself.

Hello my love. My name is Melissa. I’m a holistic lifestyle & personal empowerment coach.

Well, that’s actually just what I do! I AM….. so so much more than that. As are YOU!! My calling is to tap further & further into my individual & innate inner wisdom… My connection to my divine purpose & to inspire you to do the same!

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Discover Yourself

From an identity abandoned young women to a divine, intuition lead ruler of my own destiny….


I’ve been where you are, and now I help others that are in the position I once was to reconnect with themselves, and maybe for the very first time Discover WHO they are.

Learn more about the ways I can help you by checking out the different services I offer and allow yourself to be organically drawn to the one that resonates with you most.

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Own Yourself

Owning YOURSELF is the most important step that a lot of people either struggle with, contest, or are simply, even unaware that it is something that has to be done! This is a step that a lot of coaches tend to miss, which for me was one of the most important factors that dramatically shifted the trajectory of my life’s path and drew a real line in the sand between my past and my future.


Heal & Cleanse Yourself

Step into this new exciting space… Claim back your own power.. Listen to your body and Heal Yourself naturally!!

1 hour health evaluation consultations - 12week 1:1 Health Coaching Journey - Cleanse Yourself Seasonly Programs - 4 Seasons to Health - Your Innate Ability Program